Friday, July 31, 2009

Dental Drama...

It seems like a long time since my last post....but we have been BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!! Being in two weddings really has kept us hopping the last couple of weeks. Wedding #1 is T-7 so the countdown is ON! My blog will likely be on hiatus again this coming week as we get ready for the wedding on Saturday! But, should I find a spare moment, I will be sure to post something!

We have hit another milestone with miss Maddie. As the title of the post suggests, the teething process has begun. My darling 4.5 month old Madelyn has not one, but TWO little teeth popping through her poor little gums. I have read about and heard a lot of horror stories when it comes to teething. I am likely getting ahead of myself, but so far it doesn't seem to be TOO bad. Maddie is noticeably grumpy and seems a little off her game, but compared to some of the stories I have heard....she is taking it like a champ! These two teeth have been bugging her on and off for a few days now, but tonight is the first night where she was cranky enough to warrant a warm bath, some children's advil and early to bed after an uncharacteristic snuggle with mama bear. Miss Maddie is NOT much for cuddling, so that was the big tip off that she just isn't feeling like herself. Poor little spider monkey!

Lots of the baby literature talks about the babies' reactions to getting their teeth, and I would say that a lot of the information is bang on. Luckily, so far Maddie has been on the happier end of the teething trouble spectrum...THANK GOODNESS!

However, there are a few items that the literature does not cover...

1. The literature generalizes by saying that babies TYPICALLY start to get their first teeth between 5 and 7 months. Now, obviously every kid is different and they do imply that this is not true for all children, BUT since there hasn't been anything to convince me that Maddie is not a "typical" baby...we were quite surprised to discover two little teeth in her mouth at 4 months! After talking to a few different moms about this, I discovered that the majority of the babies I know...including myself, had their first teeth between 3 and 4 months....and a handful not until 8 or 9. Perhaps they should just scrap the "typical" stuff and just say that your kid will sprout teeth any time during the first year....and for a few unfortunate nursing mamas...your baby will be born with teeth! Creepy I know, but my doctor says it happens from time to time.

2. Also on the topic of timing, the books don't really mention that your baby can start "teething" a long time before they actually "cut teeth." According to my doc, if you x-ray a newborn's head, she will have a full set of teeth already, but they are WAY down in her jaw and have a long way to come up before they actually break the skin. Therefore when your precious little babe starts drooling like Paula Deen at a Butter Sculpture Exhibition at a mere 9 weeks old, don't worry because chances are her teeth are already on the move. Where were you on that one "What to Expect the First Year?"

3. It's a bit of a bittersweet milestone for mommy and daddy. On one hand, it is SO exciting that our little baby is getting her first teeth. She is growing up so fast! On the other hand, it's the first real realization that time is really flying...she is growing up so fast! I would not consider myself a real emotional person a lot of the time...generally I am a pretty cool cucumber, but I have to admit that I got a little teary eyed upon discovering Maddie's cute little chompers. Now, part of that probably has something to do with the addition of teeth to the already heinous breastfeeding  experience...whoever says they should "get one good bite" is nuts in my opinion...but part of it is also the newfound "mommy emotions" getting the best of me. You know, the ones that make you misty eyed while singing along to the Darius Rucker song or make you bawl like an idiot during a TV commercial! We used to make fun of my mom when she would blubber away during the Hallmark commercial where the mom is ignoring her kid all day and then realizes at the end of the day that he is down in the dumps and gives him a sappy greeting card with the wind-up butterfly that flutters out when he opens it. Admit have all seen it...cheesiest ad EVER! But, now as a new mom, I better understand why it made my mom grab for the kleenex box!

So, all joking and emotions aside, Maddie has teeth!! Craziness! I just hope that she is over the worst in the next couple days (for these teeth anyways), or the next week could be interesting with that on top of all the wedding chaos!

Many of you have probably already seen this video, but for those who haven't seen it check it out!! Since we are in full on "Wedding Mode" this week, I felt it was an appropriate way to end...Enjoy!

Can't you just picture the Kyle boys pulling something like this off....HA! Not so much!!!

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