First off, we were awakened to the shrieking of dear Madelyn at 5 am. This is a full 1.5 hours earlier than normal, so Carm went in to find out what her trouble was and found that she had learned to roll onto her tummy! YAY! The only trouble is that she hasn't quite figured out how to get back off her tummy....and she HATES being on her stomach! Hence the screaming we awoke to. Now, I've done my reading and know the importance of tummy time so we put her on her tummy everyday, but she hates it. She will tolerate it for about 2 minutes (pushing up and squirming the entire time) and then just starts to yell in frustration when she can't move. We've tried putting her toys with her and laying on our tummies with her, but she just does not like it. We're starting to worry that she may go from sitting to running and skip the whole crawling thing...
First #2 was not nearly as exciting as #1. After waking up yelling, Maddie proceeded to yell off and on all morning and was just the grumpiest baby EVER! Now she has been grumpy before, but this time she was cranky and pulling on her ear. Even when she would finally fall asleep, she would be holding her ear. Having had a sister and a cousin both plagued by ear infections as little kids, the ear pulling was a bit of red flag for me, but she didn't have a fever so I wasn't REAL worried (I think I took her temperature about 18 times just to make sure). However, after talking to my sister, I decided to call the doctor's office. Keep in mind, the entire time, I am not too concerned, but since today is a holiday and the office would be closed, I figured I should call. When I told the nurse on the phone what was up, SHE was very concerned and said there isn't always a fever associated, so I should bring her right in. So off we go. My doctor wasn't in so we ended up seeing the same doctor that I saw two weeks ago for mastitis. It took him thirty seconds to tell me that she was fine and maybe had some sort of viral thing that was bugging her ear. GREAT! So, we dodged the ear infection bullet, but I'm sure the doctor thinks I am one of THOSE parents that takes the kid to the doctor every time she sneezes...
This brings us to first #3; we've covered the tears and the ears, so guess what's left! That's rIIIght...rears. We opened poor Maddie's diaper last night only to find the most angry looking diaper rash I've ever seen....ok, so I have never seen a diaper rash before, but this looked pretty sore to me! Anything we touched her with made her yell....yeah, so much for my all-natural bum cream! Ironically enough, the only thing that she liked was a bath...those of you who have been following my blog know that miss Madelyn is normally NOT a bath fan! So, we let her sit in her duckie tub and splash for a few extra minutes before getting her ready for bed. We felt sorry for the little wiener, but could this be the turning point on the bath front?...
So after a long day of tears, ears and rears...these new parents were ready for....bed! Ha! You thought I was going to say beers didn't you? I'm a loser, I know.
On another note, today is Canada Day! Happy Birthday Canada! I heard that they have cancelled the festivities in Toronto because of the garbage strike. I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this because I could go on forever, but I will say this. If the city could hire a private company to clean up the garbage after Pride Weekend, then why not Canada Day? Pride Weekend is a celebration for just one particular group of people that takes place over several days...Canada Day is a celebration for everyone on ONE day. What's one more day?
Anyways, Happy Canada Day everyone! I hope you all enjoy whatever celebrations you have planned and of course, if you haven't already, check out the "Canadian , Please" video on YouTube and be proud to be Canadian!

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