However, while pregnant with miss Maddie, I had gained a whopping 50 lbs by the you can imagine, shopping for elasticized clothing is not nearly as exciting. Actually, I must have been to the maternity store ten times before I got up the nerve to actually buy something probably sounds strange, but I think I was almost embarrassed to be shopping there! Once I put on the pants though, I got over it and quickly became a "preferred customer"...maternity pants are pretty much the most comfortable pants EVER!
Nevertheless, by the time Maddie arrived, I was sick of elastic pants too...especially when the weight doesn't exactly fall off afterwards! I was in maternity pants for at least the first month...and in fact, I still looked pregnant for the first few weeks! What kind of mean trick is that?! Needless to say, I was (and still am) determined to get as close to my pre-pregnancy weight as possible.
Living out in the boonies has its challenges when it comes to a good workout regime. Distance makes it difficult to have a gym membership and take full advantage of it. We are about a half hour drive from the closest one...not THAT far, but far enough to make it a hassle with a little one. We also live on a VERY busy road, so walking around our country block with the stroller is not an option...I refuse to take my baby for a walk along a road with virtually no shoulder and commuters that seem to think they are driving a NASCAR race.
So with no gym membership or a great place to walk or jog, Maddie and I have resorted to "offroading" down the back lane between our farm and the home farm next door. I was actually surprised to find it is a great workout! The lane has hills to work the bum and the legs and lots of bumps to work the arms while trying to steer the stroller and keep it from bumping all over the place. Pushing the stroller with Maddie in it is good resistance and I am always carrying at least a diaper bag and usually my camera bag. It's nice to get the fresh air and of course, I can check out my cows in the pastures along the way! I couldn't ask for a better workout really.
I still have some weight to go, but I have been doing very well! I put on the bridesmaid dress for wedding #1 last week and didn't want to cry when I looked in the mirror! There are a couple lumps and bumps here and there still, but nothing a pair of Spanx won't fix!...not bad considering I had to order the dress when I was 9 months pregnant and had to guess what size I would be in August! I haven't been totally appalled by photos of myself lately either...Sweet! Most exciting however, was earlier today when I put on a pair of pre-pregnancy pants!! Sure they were just a pair of barn pants, but I never knew how impossibly exciting it could be to put on a pair of OLD pants! Woo Hoo!
It used to be the smell and feel of a brand new pair of pants that made me feel fabulous, but right now I am relishing the feeling of just fitting into my old wardrobe. Last week the dress, this week the barn pants....I wonder if anything old will fit next week! In a way, it's kind of like shopping...only without the Visa bill!

I loved my belly, but the elastic pants are back in the closet!! WOOT!
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