Friday morning was off to a good was only sort of raining instead of pouring, Maddie and I were off to visit Aunt Jill, and Uncle CK had sold a handful of lambs. Carm went out to the barn to help CK round up the sheep for the purchaser and standing in the yard, he noticed something was different about his truck...
It took him a second to figure out what exactly was different, but taking a closer look, he realized the tailgate on his one year old truck was missing. Totally gone. Nothing else on the truck had been touched, but the tailgate was nowhere to be found. Seriously? Do people not have anything better to do than drive up and down the roads and steal stupid crap like tailgates? Clearly not. We live very close to a busy road and our "Guard Dog" Molly, tends to hide from strangers rather than try to scare them away, so I guess we're an easy target...After a phone call to his mechanic (a.k.a. his brother) and his insurance broker, it will cost over $1000 to replace the dang thing, but luckily his insurance will cover all but a couple hundred. Still, I'm not sure I will ever get used to living so close to the ashtray of change the first time, a tailgate the second time, but what's next?
I had my first night out with the girls on Saturday night. As much as I love my baby, it was SO nice to finally get out without a little sidekick! I had a GREAT time, but apparently miss Maddie didn't approve of my outing. She got to stay with Carman and go to a BBQ at the neighbours', which I thought would be a fun little Saturday night. Maddie screamed from the time I left her at Grandma Nancy's until they got to the party (about 2 hours). She was a little angel AT the party and then started to scream again when Carm went to leave. Needless to say, they were glad when I got home! I'm happy that Maddie likes hanging out with me so much, but I hope that she doesn't end up being a total mommy-suck. It would be nice to be able to leave her with her dad and go out for the evening without having to worry about her crying the whole time...We'll get there I hope!!
On a happier Maddie topic, her smiles and "talking" are very plentiful these days! I'm hoping that one day soon we'll hear a real word, but for now we get a kick out of listening to her babble away! I think we definitely have the loud kid in class so far...

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