Monday, July 20, 2009

Back in the Whites...

At the beginning of each show season, I am ALWAYS plagued by the same worry...will I be able to fit my ever-widening butt into my white show pants? Or will I be sentenced to the task of trying to find a new pair of decent white pants that fit. I LOVE to shop, which I have already made clear, however, I HATE shopping for white pants. First of all, depending on the year, there are often no white pants to be found...anywhere. Secondly, if it happens to be a "white pant season" the pants are often "trendy" and not necessarily flattering on all body types or showring appropriate. My 5'3" "athletic " frame can't really pull off a skinny, tapered white jean and billowy white linen beach pants are not exactly the showring look. Whoever thought that it was a good idea to make white the colour of choice for showing dairy cattle didn't really think things through.

Needless to say, when my sister called to see if I would like to go to Listowel Fair and show a calf for her, I was a little worried I would be forced on a wild goose chase for the elusive white pants. One year and a baby since I had put them on the last time, why should I think anything different?   

After hanging up the phone, I pulled my whites out of the drawer (and boy they smelled like they had been in a drawer for a year!) and skeptically pulled them on...SURPRISE! So, in a previous blog post, I talked about the thrill of fitting back into my pre-pregnancy wardrobe one piece at a time. Well, last week's item was my show whites! Woot! Oddly enough, I feel they actually fit better now than they have in a LONG time...

So off Maddie and her pack mule (a.k.a. me) went to the fair. We piled (literally) into the truck with Jill, Heidi and Matt and headed to Listowel. It was great show! The white pants fit, the weather was perfect, there were lots of old friends to catch up with and to top off an already great day, it was a super day for Team Shylane in the ring! Mandy was working and unable to come to the show, so I got to show her heifer...which I led to victory! Shylane had the 1st and 2nd place intermediate calf, 4th place senior calf, 1st place group of three and GRAND CHAMPION!

It may have been just Listowel Fair, but it was a fun day and a great way to start off the show season.

My assistant photographer, Heidi, and I managed to capture a number of the moments throughout the day. Below are some of my favourites. I think this is the first time since Maddie was born that there isn't one picture of her...does that make me a bad mom? 

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