Sunday, February 28, 2010

Golden Moments...

Hello my friends! It has been far, far, FAR too long since my last apologies!! There is no good excuse really, other than we have been busy and after a long day at work, by the time I pick up miss M, get home, get dinner ready, get M ready for bed...the last thing I want to do is look at the computer let alone turn it on and use it!! So, I apologize for my delinquency and now that things are starting to become routine, hopefully I will be able to make time to update this thing more regularily! Here's to hoping...

It's been a little more than a month since my last post...hard to believe that much time has passed that quickly...Crazy!

The single most exciting thing that has occured over the course of the month began on Saturday, January 30....and no, I am NOT referring to the god-awful stomach flu bug that visited our house that weekend...Miss M got up and walked across the livingroom!! Even though I felt as though I had been hit by a truck, I couldn't help but jump up and yell with excitement....which was perhaps a little scared her and she sat down and cried...OOPS! Anyways, we are so excited that she is wal...err..running now. However, it is kind of one of those bittersweet moments know, like when she cut her first tooth. It is so fun to play with her and watch her run around, but at the same time, it seems like she went from a little baby to a toddler over night...They REALLY aren't kidding when they say that time really flies when you have kids. The more Maddie moves from baby to a little person, I am really beginning to appreciate the importance of enjoying the moments....before she becomes a teenager and decides she hates hanging out with her mama.

I am still really enjoying being back to work. It is a BUSY job, but I like to be busy so it's all good. And, Miss M LOVES daycare! She has never cried, she has made friends easily and she is really excited to see me at the end of the day. So, it makes being away from her easier knowing that she is having a blast! It's kind of funny though...she has NEVER cried when I have let her at daycare. But when I pick her up at night, then that is Maddie and mommy time.....Do NOT leave her with anyone else. It doesn't matter who we have tried to leave her with after being at daycare for the day...she just screams! I feel kind of bad for her grandparents when she does this, but selfishly, I can't help but be a little happy that she doesn't want to hang out with anyone but me after being away for the day! Is that bad?

Now, I am sure that nobody wants to hear anymore about the Olympics, however, since I have been up until 1 am every night for the last 17 days watching pretty much every event there was to watch, I feel as though I am entitled to talk about them for at least a few minutes anyways!

Despite a number of small mishaps to begin the games...there are a lot of negative nellies out there that will only remember that the snow melted and the one of the pillars failed to ascend during the openning ceremonies. HELLO! Vancouver is a temperate climate...even in February...those people who voted for it are in no position to complain about the rain and lack of snow...situated on the water, Vancouver never has much for snow...and so what if the openning ceremonies weren't perfect...I kind of liked that it wasn't perfect. Amongst the lipsynching and lightshows, the mishap proved that there were humans behind the scenes running the that a bad thing?

I know this sounds cliché, but I can honestly say that I have never been more proud to be Canadian than I have been over the past 17 days. Canadians joined forces to support our athletes and handled both victory and defeat with the utmost respect and class. When most people would have given up on athletes "failing to own the podium," Canadians rallied behind the competitors and whether they won a medal or finished dead last, every athlete got the same cheers and encouragement. It makes me a little sad that Miss M will be too little to remember this great event in Canadian sports history. In the end, we may not have finished with the most medals, but the entire nation has pulled together with a new sense of national pride...that coupled with an exceptional number of medals including the record number of GOLD medals, I would say we had a fantastic winter games as hosts, as participants and as a nation. The icing on the cake? How about a gold medal in OUR boys?

Just to finish up, I thought I would quickly recap my top five highlights of the games:

1. Alex Bilodeau winning the gold medal...his win was great, but even better was his brother Frederic's reaction! Maybe it is the mommy in me, but the picture of him hugging his brother after his win chokes me up every time.

2. Marianne St Gelais....She is just my favourite Olympian in general. She was SOOO excited to win her silver medal and she was SOO excited for her boyfriend, Charles Hamelin to win his gold. I could watch the video of her cheering for Charles over and over and over about enthusiasm!!

3. Scott Moir & Tessa Virtue's reaction to hearing they had won...nothing like a bit of a practical joke to ease the tension...Scott told Tessa they were second and did it with a straight face...awesome!! One of the best reactions ever.

4. Joannie Rochette's brave and heartfelt takes a lot of guts to do what that girl did. She pulled herself together and gave two of the best skates of her life because she knew her late mom would have wanted her to just that. Hats off to her, she is truly an inspiration and totally deserving as the flag bearer in the closing ceremonies.

5. Jon Montgomery's winning walk through Whistler...yes, the one where he infamously chugged the beer right from the pitcher. If this was NOT a Canadian moment, then I don't know what is. Jon is the epitomy of all things Canadian. He is just a laidback, nice country guy who loves his sport and has fun doing it. So what if he chugged a beer when he was done...I am positive that most of the people criticizing his actions have had their share of celebratory drinks....if they haven't, maybe they need to quit raining on other people's parade and get a hobby!

Anyways, sorry for the novel, but with more than a month to catch up was bound to be a LONG one!

As I say in every post, I will do my best not to let so much time pass before my next post!

Until next time...and of course....We're up 2-1....GO CANADA GO!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Ten months ago yesterday, Maddie arrived in the world....TEN MONTHS AGO! I cannot believe it has been that long already! Man, time really flies!

Although she is only ten months old, Miss Madelyn has already become quite the little personality. She knows she is cute and is quite the little flirt. She chatters to the old ladies and plays the "oops, I seemed to have dropped my shoe" game with EVERYONE at the grocery store. She picks up guys in the grocery store, at Home Depot and bats her eyes at the construction guys working on our bathroom. She also has decided that when she wants something, she will stop at nothing to get it. At first it was cute watching her pull herself and try to reach something on the counter....there was no way she could actually get it, so it was funny. However, she is getting taller and stronger by the second, so now she can reach things close enough to the edge... or open cupboards and drawers...or dump the recycle bin over...SUPER frustrating! She likes to" help me cook supper." Really, I attempt to make dinner while also chasing her around the kitchen! I have put as much stuff up or out of the room as possible, but she still finds things to get into.

I have been working on trying to get her to understand the word "no." So dice! In fact, when I say no, she usually just looks at me and does whatever she was going to anyways...Grrr! Carm's mom tells her no and she starts to cry. I tell her no and she basically laughs and carries on! At what age do babies actually learn that no means no? I know there are several of you mamas of teenagers who are going to laugh and tell me they never learn it....BUT that's not true. You see (and I am sure nobody can argue with this), the difference is that my 10 month old doesn't understand the word. period. Your teenagers COMPLETELY understand the word, they just choose to ignore the meaning....believe me....that was me not so long ago! Ha! I guess they say payback is a maybe my payback is starting early?

Anyways, on a more exciting note, TOMORROW is the day!!! Miss Maddie starts daycare and I am back to work!!! AHHHH! I am a little sad that I will be leaving Maddie tomorrow morning, but at the same time, I am SUPER excited to start! I know that according to most mamas I should be crying and trying to come up with ways to get out of going back to work, but honestly, I am really looking forward to it. I am not at all worried about leaving her with our daycare provider...she will be in excellent hands with her....I am more nervous about my new job than leaving that bad? Anyways, I am really looking forward to going to work, but I am also looking forward to picking her up and heading home at the end of the day! If anything, I am a little worried she won't want to come home!!!

The biggest challenge about going to work tomorrow is that our shower is still out of commission! So, getting ready tomorrow and Friday morning will be a bit of a challenge, but hopefully by the weekend things will be back to normal and getting back into a good routine will be easier next week! On the topic of the bathroom, be sure to check out my 365-Day photo project to follow the progress of "Bathroom Reno 2009!" (

Well, breaktime is over...back to prepping for tomorrow! Wish me luck tomorrow and I will check in next week to update you all on my transition from stay-at-home mama to working mama!

Until next time my friends!

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year = New Adventures...

Happy New Year friends! I know it has been awhile, but as per my usual excuse...we've been busy! I love the holidays, I really do, but when it's all over, I can't help but be relieved to get back to the routine!

I cannot believe that it is 2010. I don't know about you, but there are still so many things I often think back to and remember like they happened yesterday...and then I realize just how long ago they really my exchange to Germany...yeah...I left Canada ten years ago this coming August! CRAZY! I think that means it's about time to head back to my second home for a visit...if only I could convince the "boss"...I'll have to work on that. If anyone happens to run into him, be sure to mention that Germany is a fantastic vacation destination and that he really should take the fam...HA!

So, a lot has happened since my last post before Christmas! Where to start?...

Miss Maddie had her first Christmas!!! It was lots of fun, but I kind of think Carm and I were more excited about it than her! We eagerly tore the paper off her gifts, while she played with the tape and the boxes...she will sit and tear magazines to shreds any other day, but we could NOT get her to tear the wrapping paper...strange child. She got lots of great stuff including (but not limited to) clothes, books, noisy toys, quiet toys, bath toys, sippy cups, Christmas tree ornaments, a new car seat and three new teeth! (She is up to eight teeth now!) She was a very good little girl, got to meet Santa and didn't even try to pull down the tree or the stockings. We're looking forward to next year when she is as excited as we are!

Even more exciting than Christmas...Madelyn is almost walking! I believe the books call it "cruising" when she walks around holding onto things....but whatever it is, it is super cute! She is BUSY though! And into EVERYTHING! I am running out of places to put things up out of her reach! The disadvantage to having a baby that is off the charts for her height! Gah!! Eventhough I can't wait for her to actually take her first steps, I also can't help but feel like time is going far too quickly. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing our brand new baby home from the she is close to walking and almost one year old! Soon she will be heading off to Germany for an exchange...

With a new year, comes not only new adventures for Miss Maddie as she creeps closer and closer to her first birthday...but the adventures of being a WORKING MOMMY are also about to commence. A lot of you reading this are in the loop, but for for those who don't know, I have accepted a new job and am scheduled to start on January 14! I am a little sad to not be heading back to my old job....I loved the job and the people, but I am SOOOO excited about this new opportunity....I get to write....and get paid for it!! (among other new and exciting things!) How great is that?!?!?!?!

So, less than two weeks until the start date! I will be headed back to work about a month earlier than I had originally planned and am beginning to think that something is wrong with me actually...most of the mommies I know are in agony over the thought of going back to work and leaving their babies in the care of someone other than all honesty, I am ready. I think it will be hard to leave Maddie at daycare for the first few times, and I know I am going to miss being at home all day with her, but at the same time, I am looking forward to getting back to work and to the new and exciting challenges of a new job. I am grateful that we live in an era where it is not only acceptable, but also looked upon favourably to be both a mommy and a career woman. I love to take care of and play with my baby, I love to cook our meals, clean our house, do our laundry and groceries...I love being a housewife, but there is also a part of me that loves having a career and prides myself on the work I do and the paycheck I bring home at the end of the day. January 14 will be bittersweet for me I think, but I know that we will be leaving Madelyn with one of the best daycare providers in the area and she will be excited to see me at 5:00 when I pick her up to go home, so that is making it a little easier....

Check in with me in two weeks or so and see if I'm doing as well as I think I will be!

A new year also means that it is time to make new resolutions. Now, there is NO WAY I am going to post my full list of resolutions....I don't generally make a habit of publically sharing my failures!...But, I will share one. And, that is to make time at least once a week to keep you all up to date on the life adventures of this modern (and now working!) mama in the country!

Until next time!