First of all, my little monkey is four months old already! Where has the time gone? With four months comes the second checkup with the doctor and the second round of the dreaded immunizations...uh oh! Now, miss Maddie had a stellar checkup at two months and was actually quite good and only cried for a second for her first needles, so could her second trip possibly be as stellar? HECK YES it could!
Maddie weighed in at a whopping 15 lbs 7 oz and was 26" long today at her appointment! She is right up there for her weight and off the chart for her height...where on earth she gets that from is beyond me! Her mommy and daddy are both somewhat lacking in the height department...hmmm...
But let's talk needles for a second. I was SO proud of my Maddie today! While most babies scream and cry when they get needles, Madelyn took them like a CHAMP! Blame her meaty little thighs if you must, but she looked at the nurses, then she looked at me, then she furrowed her brow a little, and then went right back to telling us stories....not ONE tear. The nurse said that she will always remember Maddie because she is the first baby she has ever given a needle to that hasn't cried! That's my girl!
On a grosser note, I had more barf on me today than I have ever had in my entire life so far!! First my cute little nephew decided to puke his entire bottle back up on was everywhere except on the blanket where it should've been....even down the front of my shirt! Ahh! I was a little grossed out, but whatever, I got over it. We have started giving miss Maddie one bottle of formula a day now. It seems to be going pretty well, but she is a little more pukey we have noticed...which I clearly forgot when I hoisted her up above my head shortly after feeding her earlier this evening...I looked up at her as she started to giggle and BLAH! All over my shirt, down my pants and on my socks...YUCK! I had to change my clothes right away. I can handle a lot of really gross things that make most people's stomachs churn, but when it comes to puke, that's where I draw the line. I seem to handle baby spit-up okay (much to my surprise), but I am terrified about how I will handle REAL barf. I envision myself running the opposite direction and yelling for Carman to handle it while I cower at the other end of the house with my ears plugged so I can't hear what's going on....heaven forbid Maddie gets sick when Carm isn't home...Maybe I can keep her on an all milk diet until she moves out...
Anywho, in honour of Maddie's 4 month birthday, we took a few new pictures...check them out below!

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