Saturday, June 27, 2009

Life's a beach...

Today was another scorcher here in Southwestern Ontario! What better way to cap off a hot week than to go for a swim! This swim however, was not a regular everyday swim was Maddie's FIRST swim!! We got her all decked out in her super cute little pink Tankini, baby sunscreen and off we went to the pool (I don't do real beaches)...

I think I may be destined to have the smelly kid in class folks. You sort of need water to get a kid clean, and well, not only does little miss Madelyn HATE her baths at the moment, but she also was NOT impressed with her swim either!! In fact, I think it's fair to say she hated it. Her screaming was a good match for the train that sped past while we were in the pool! After several minutes she seemed to decide it might not be THAT bad and almost seemed to enjoy long as we didn't let the water touch anywhere that wasn't already immersed. The ironic part of the whole thing was that she screamed just as much and maybe more when we took her out...we just couldn't win! I think we will have to go with Aunt Nicole a few more times before we head off to swimming lessons as we may get kicked out of class for being too loud at this point!

As a picture happy mama, naturally I had my camera on hand to capture the moment!

So I have to be honest, I am not a gardener. In fact, my only house plant is sitting on the windowsill beside me in desperate need of a drink...I should remember to do that...Growing up on the farm, Grandma always had a sweet vegetable garden. I have always wanted one, but frankly I really suck when it comes to plants. Two years ago we had a garden...did you know if you don't pick asparagus that it grows into small trees? Last year I decided instead of a whole garden I would just plant a pot full of the herbs I like to cook with...I think the pot is still on my back porch and I have several purchased packages of herbs in my fridge. So, what does a girl with absolutely no green in her thumb and a track record that proves she sucks at gardening do? Plant a garden of course! However, I do have help and a little more motivation to be successful this comes in handy having a sister also on mat. leave looking to cut her grocery bill and a mother-in-law who knows all the tips and tricks to successful vegetable gardening; not to mention we planted the garden in a spot visible from the site of my brother-in-law's upcoming wedding...that means it HAS to be weeded and well-kept if other people will see it! Suzie and I have been hoeing, weeding and watering under the watchful eye of Nancy, and all the hard work is starting to pay off. Tonight Carm and I had a salad made from lettuce right out of our garden! Yum!

Two lettuce tips of the day:

1. When planting your lettuce, stagger it. Plant some started plants and some seeds as this ensures you will continue to have fresh lettuce and not have all of it ready at once. If you don't want to use started plants, you can also achieve this by planting some of your seeds the first week and some the next.

2. When picking your lettuce, pinch the biggest leaves off at the stem while leaving the little immature leaves. The little leaves will continue to grow and again allows you to continually have fresh lettuce.

I may end up being a gardner after all...

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