It has been a VERY busy year, but I think it's time to resurrect the Tales of this Modern Country Mama!....because believe me....I have lots of tales to tell! Especially now that I am a mama of not one, but TWO little hooligans! I told you it was a busy year!
Yes, I am now a mama of two babies...Callum Duncan (we'll call him Master C from now on) arrived scowling at the world on February 22, 2011 at 6:27pm...a mere 3 MINUTES before his threatened c-section would have taken about going down to the wire boy! Master C showed up 2 weeks early...for those who don't know, Miss M arrived 2 full weeks past her due with a 4 week difference, you can bet we were terribly surprised (not to mention, not quite ready!) when he decided to make his debut so early! Weighing in at 6lbs 5oz, C took almost 48 hours to decide to show his face and thus was born with a fever, so he spent a couple days in the special care nursery for a round of antibiotics just in case. He hasn't missed a beat since and is a pretty happy and easy-going little dude.
Miss M has adjusted just OK to being a big sister. She adores C, but HATES sharing attention, so it has been pretty challenging at times. She is pretty well-behaved until you have to turn your attention to C for a few minutes....and it is AMAZING what she can do in the few minutes it takes to change C's diaper!!! GAH!!
At two years old now, M can be a bit of a handful...sometimes I get pretty discouraged when she is being especially wild and trying...and it doesn't help when people seem to be constantly telling me (usually without directly saying it) that my kid is a little s***. Sure she is busy. Sure she is a little sassy at times and sure she doesn't always listen. But, she is TWO...and according to everything I have read and everyone I talk to...that's pretty typical. She is well-behaved when we're out, she says please and thank you, she doesn't beat on other kids...That doesn't spell hellion to me, so there! I'm not worried about her, so nobody else should be either.
M is also quite the Chatty Cathy! If she is awake, she is yapping and has developed quite the vocabulary. She is also a bit of a parrot at times...even if she's not a part of a conversation...or even in the same room...we often hear an echo...oops! But some of the best things she says she comes up with all on her own...Some of my favourite Maddie-isms are:
..."it's ridiculous outside mommy!" (that's two-year-old says ridiculous! woot!)
...Me: "Ok Maddie, time to get ready to go" Maddie: "Ummmmm...Later please."
...Carm: "Maddie can you help pick up your toys?" Maddie: ", please."
..."I want to go see regular grammie" (as opposed to great-grammie!)
...Me: "Maddie what is that?" (pointing to a hot-air balloon) Maddie: "Balloon! Daddy will get it for Maddie?" Me: "Oh I don't think so...daddy isn't tall enough" Maddie: "No. Daddy will get it."
..."Maddie will wear a boobie diaper?" Me: "Pardon me...what?" Maddie (holding up one of my bras): "Maddie will wear the boobie diaper?"
I died laughing at the last one...seriously? Boobie diaper??? Where she came up with that, I have NO idea! Carm claims he has never said that...
So life is good here in the country. C is an easy-going little snuggler, M is a busy girl, but freaking hilarious and I am loving life as a mommy of we just have to work on being on time for things...being a pack mule for two sure does slow things down...
Since life is super busy with two little ones, I have found that I have to make a point of setting aside some mommy-time so I don't go nutty. SOOOOO...I have signed myself up for a bootcamp to get my butt back in shape...14+ inches lost in just 6 weeks so far! Woot! Obviously it is fitness oriented, but a portion of the program is also focused on nutrition, lifestyle and goal-setting. So I have made a commitment to do a lot more "from-scratch" cooking, I'm trying to watch less than 2 hours of tv per day and I have set a goal to write at least one blog post per week.
Yesterday I made a trip to the farmer's market, did some freezing of veggies and meat, roasted a chicken and made homemade chicken stock before making a homemade potato salad and roasted asparagus to go with our turkey sausages for dinner (great domesticity!)...since I was cooking, there was no time for tv (excellent!)...and I started this post last not a bad first day!
I do have to give a plug for the boot's called The Buff Mom and it is run by Leslie Gordon-Christie, CTV Southwestern Ontario's Health and Lifestyle guru. It is fantastic and I HIGHLY recommend it! (Shout out to Alicia Horne who introduced me to it!) Email me if you want more information!
And lastly, since I will be doing a lot more actual cooking, I have decided to add a Good Eats page to my blog....that way I can share any of my keepers with all of you!
I think that's a solid enough post for the first one back, so I had better wrap it up and work out or something!
Until next time my lovelies...and I PROMISE to post again before next year!
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Miss M & Master C |
**The other motivating factor for resurrecting the blog? Blog traffic could potentially increase do to THIS Woohoo! (some of you may remember the original!)**
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