We all know the show. Bill Cosby (or in earlier times, Art Linkletter) would ask a little kid questions in hopes of getting a cute and/or funny response from them, after which the canned laugh-track would come on and everyone at home watching would laugh along.
Pretty much, we LIVE that show...everyday.
Miss M is a chatterbox. In fact, those that don't know her (i.e. grocery cashiers, store salespeople, restaurant waitstaff, the guy at the car dealership, etc.) always ask how old she is and are shocked when I tell them she is two.
Stranger: "Really?"
Me: "Really" (Actually she is 4, but I like to tell people she is only two...come on!)
Stranger: "Wow! She speaks so well and she must be quite tall is she?" (as they take in my 5'2"-ish frame)
Me: "Yeah she's a chatty one! And yes, she is quite tall...she doesn't get it from me" (in case you were wondering)
Miss M: "Mommy? Where's my daddy? Milking the cows?"
Me: "Yes, daddy's milking the cows."
Stranger: "Wow! She speaks so clearly! And she's only two?"
Me: "Haha yes, she is a chatterbox and yes, she's only two." (Really? Would you like to see her birth certificate?)
This conversation is pretty typical when we're out with Miss M. And I have to say, as much as it can be annoying to have people seem skeptical about the answer I give them regarding her age, I can't help but be pretty proud at her apparent intelligence! I mean really, how many two-year-olds can use the word "ridiculous" correctly in a sentence...no word of a lie. Honest.
We do however, try not to get to pumped up over how brilliant she is as we are very aware that the majority of her "big kid" vocabulary is stuff she hears and repeats...very parrot-esque really. Like calling her daddy by his first-name when she wants his attention..."Carm! Drink of water please?"
Her actions are also often a reflection of what she sees...like giving her stuffed cow a kick in the butt and telling it to "Come on cow! Get up!"...hmm apparently she has been spending a little too much time in the barn with daddy and uncle CK...
The best though is the stuff that she clearly hears places other than home and then out of the blue she just spouts it out...
Miss M: "Mommy?"
Me: "Yes, Maddie?"
Miss M: "I have a penis!"
Me: "Pardon...what did you say?" {Eyes bugging out of my head, choking on my water and trying not to laugh at the same time}
Miss M: "Maddie has a penis!" (Nope! I wasn't hearing things!)
Me: "Well, no...you don't. You are a girl and girls do not have penises."
End of discussion.
What the heck do you say to that? What two-year-old says that?? And where did she hear it??
So Carm came home a little later and I asked him if he had heard M's new word. He hadn't, so I asked her to tell daddy her new word...
Miss M: "I have a penis!"
(Carm's turn to choke and bug his eyes out)
Carm: "What did you just say?"
Miss M: "Maddie has a penis!"
Carm: "Maddie! No you do not! And don't say that word! It's bad!"
Me: "Well no, technically it's not a bad word...I'm more concerned that it's incorrect..."
Carm: "Well we can't have her running around saying she has a vagina!"
Me: "Well at least it would be correct...but I see your point..."
So we repeated that girls do not have penises and left it at that...so far we haven't had a repeat performance thankfully...
We have NO CLUE where on earth she learned that one...she has never asked about C and the one time she asked about our nephew, my sis-in-law told her it was a wiener. So it's a mystery...if anyone knows and would care to enlighten me, tat would be super!
Good lord, imagine trying to explain the birds and the bees to a two-year-old...I don't anticipate having any trouble with "the talk", but let's hope it doesn't have to happen for several years...like ten would be good!
But seriously, our kitchen could have been a scene out of Kindergarten Cop or something! "My mom says that my dad is a real sex machine!" Bahaha I should watch that movie again sometime...
Anywho, in other news, how about them gardens? Anyone who knows our place knows there is a ridiculous amount of flowerbeds and gardens...really, there are too many, and then a few more! The lady who owned the property originally lived to garden and was very good at it. On the opposite end of the spectrum, anyone who knows me knows that I hate gardening and quite frankly...suck at it!
Over the few years we have been here, we have cut down a little bit and have a bit more lawn, but there are still a lot of flower beds! Since my sister and her fiancé will be holding their wedding here later this summer, it was finally time to really dig in and sort out the jungles.
My original idea of clearing them out and filling them with rocks and shrubs apparently didn't fly...instead the big guns were called in...yep the Horticulture society arrived one rainy morning and toured through the gardens with my father-in-law marking over 45 different species of plants that we should keep...including one that they were pretty pumped about and suggested that we shouldn't let anyone know we have it or it will disappear in the night! Whoops! I guess I shouldn't have said anything....but jokes on any of you planning to raid the gardens...I have no idea what the plant was or where it is, so good luck! Haha
Anyways, so instead of clear cutting, we are tidying up and reshaping what is already there. I really am not a garden person, but even I have to admit that the work has been paying off for sure...it suddenly looks like we have have actual flowerbeds instead of out-of-control jungles threatening to eat anything that gets a little to close!
I shall have to post some photos once we are done.
Master C is doing well as well. He went for his four-month check-up last week and weighed in at a whopping 14lbs 11oz. He is exactly average for his weight, exactly average for his height...but he still has a big head...90th percentile actually! I might be biased, but he is a cute little dude. He is pretty chatty (really? Maddie's sibling? You don't say!) and giggly, and he is already trying to roll over! I am tempted to figure out a way for him NOT to roll over...rolling over leads to crawling and crawling leads to walking...I want him to stay immobile a little longer...Maddie is busy enough! Gah!
Well Maddie is telling me it's time for supper...well actually she wants the strawberries I cut up for dessert, but nonetheless, I should roll!
Until next time my lovelies!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Got Milk?
After having my breastfeeding blog post was published by Oh Baby! Magazine, I have had a few inquiries as to how things are going with #2, so I thought I would take a few minutes to update.
So...how are things going with Master C...well...I'm disappointed to report that I was not one of the fortunate mamas whose second time was easier than the first. In fact, this time around was worse....that's right, WAS.
C arrived a couple weeks early and with a fever, so he was sent to the special care nursery for a precautionary round of anti-biotics. For those that don't know, a newborn that gets anti-biotics receives them via IV. Because he was on an IV, he had to hang out in the incubator hooked up to all kinds of monitors for the first 48 hours...this meant we could look but not hold and he wasn't hungry because of the IV.
Since I wanted to nurse him, my midwife had the nurses set me up with the pump (nicely referred to as The Show Pump by Carm) and they syringe fed him a bit until he was ok to come out of his little hut to nurse. This brought about the first hurdle or Boobie Trap, if you will...
Boobie Trap # 1 = Too Small Pump Pflanges
Ummmm ouch!! After two pumping sessions that were rather uncomfortable, I thought I should double check with our midwife that everything was as it should be....turns out it wasn't! Word to the wise ladies...Medela pumps all come with the same size pflanges (24 mm) because apparently this is the size that fits MOST ta-tas...if you're like me and not "typical" you may need a smaller or, in my case, a larger size. My advice to anyone planning to "Power Pump"...get fitted properly. After two 15 minute sessions, I was fortunate to have not done significant damage, but I had a couple pretty decent "hicky-esque" war wounds that were a little tender. Once I had the proper fitting (they had to hunt them down for me since they don't stock many 27 mm since EVERYONE (but me apparently) fits a 24 mm), I was back on track.
So on with the story...when C was two days old, I was excited be able to hold him in the morning and by the afternoon, with the help of the nursery nurse, I was able to nurse him. Now I don't know if it was that I was just SOOO excited and relieved to FINALLY be holding him and cuddling him, but I remember thinking as I nursed him for the first time that this was already WAY better than with Miss M. This guy latched right on and seemed to know what he was doing....nothing hurt...it was great!
Fast Forward Two Days...
Boobie Trap #2 = Overfilling Quota (a.k.a. Milk Oversupply!)
That's right...milk...a lot of it....too much of it! Poor little Master C was drowning. The letdown would choke the poor little dude, then he would be full before one side was empty. So, what does this equal? 1 gassy little dude and 1 uncomfortable mama. Not cool...I tried a couple things to calm the supply down which did help a little bit...the most effective was the incredibly attractive "cabbage bra"...Eau de Slaw anyone? Yuck...but it did help.
While he was struggling to keep up with me though, C developed the next issue...
Boobie Trap #3 = Lazy Latch
Because he didn't have to work to get milk (pretty much he just had to open his mouth and swallow), he developed a lazy latch. This coupled with the apparent "high arch" in his mouth led to VERY sore boobs (from the poor latch), a sore jaw (from clenching my teeth), a grumpy baby (from constantly being latched and re-latched trying to correct it + still being drowned) and one VERY grumpy mommy (you don't say!). We saw our midwife and two different lactation consultants trying to get things sorted. Everything we tried would work initially, and then within a day or so regression would occur....stupid "high arch"!! Apparently with a high arch, even when latched on correctly, he could still pull his tongue back (which he did) and snap away...ouchie! There was one saving grace that I discovered that helped more than anything...APNO (All Purpose Nipple Ointment)...Wonderful Stuff! With the help of APNO, I was able to get a couple more weeks in before the next issue...
Boobie Trap #4 = Thrush
Yep! With Miss M it was mastitis and this time around Thrush...are you freaking kidding me?! SOOOOOO not cool....and again, ouchie! C's lips and my ta-tas were a lovely shade of purple for about a week to clear up that. Ugh!
So after 7 weeks (yeah all of this happened in 7 weeks), I made the decision that I couldn't for my sanity carry on as I was. Since I was determined to make sure C got breastmilk exclusively for as long as possible, I got myself a big double electric pump and set to work as a Power Pumper...
Boobie Trap #5 = Milking yourself multiple times a day SUCKS!
I can now officially TOTALLY relate to the cows in the barn. I started out pumping as often as he ate...but since I had a fantastic supply (this cow would NOT have been culled from the herd!) I was able to cut down to 4x/day and still pump well over 40oz a day. That got old quickly as well, so I then cut down to 3x/day....still pumping close to 40 oz. Last week, I cut back to 2x/day and was still able to keep ahead for a few days, but the supply started to slow down...so I had two options...bring it back up, or let it taper off. With a solid freezer stash as a motivating factor, I decided I was DONE. You would think that pumping wouldn't be that bad, and at first it wasn't...it was better than enduring pain all the time! But after two months of literally milking myself several times a day...I was done. I AM done.
I have been dealing with some mommy guilt...I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little sad. Sad that I had another crappy nursing experience. Sad that I felt "done" after only a month and a half of nursing and 2 months of exclusively pumping. I really wanted it to work this time around... I was able to reach my goal of 6 months with M, so I sort of felt like I was letting C down by not making it as long with him. But, on the other hand, I LOVE snuggling with him while I give him his bottle (we are SO much happier than when we were nursing) and I was fortunate enough to be able to freeze so much extra while I was pumping that I am still able to give him some breastmilk everyday for quite awhile, so I am slowly becoming ok with the decision.
So that's the scoop...Do I wish it had turned out differently and that I was still nursing him exclusively? Sure. But it didn't work out for me. So I did what I could (lactation consultants, power pumping, etc) to ensure that C got as much of the good stuff as possible and I am proud of how long I did stick it out. For those who have never pumped exclusively....it's a lot of work....not to mention a constant reminder that you aren't nursing him the way you would like....so I found it to be a little draining, literally and figuratively. Some may say round #2 was an epic fail. I say it was a pass...a solid E for Effort! I am a much happier mama with one very happy and healthy little dude that's growing like a weed.
On a lighter note and on the topic of guilt....one thing I do NOT feel guilty about is bribery...when it comes to potty training that is!! We are currently in the process of potty training Miss M and we reward her with Smarties. Well, for two days now I have been a Smartie Vending Machine!!! Woot!! Go Maddie! With any luck we will soon have only one kid in diapers!
Until next time my lovelies!
So...how are things going with Master C...well...I'm disappointed to report that I was not one of the fortunate mamas whose second time was easier than the first. In fact, this time around was worse....that's right, WAS.
C arrived a couple weeks early and with a fever, so he was sent to the special care nursery for a precautionary round of anti-biotics. For those that don't know, a newborn that gets anti-biotics receives them via IV. Because he was on an IV, he had to hang out in the incubator hooked up to all kinds of monitors for the first 48 hours...this meant we could look but not hold and he wasn't hungry because of the IV.
Since I wanted to nurse him, my midwife had the nurses set me up with the pump (nicely referred to as The Show Pump by Carm) and they syringe fed him a bit until he was ok to come out of his little hut to nurse. This brought about the first hurdle or Boobie Trap, if you will...
Boobie Trap # 1 = Too Small Pump Pflanges
Ummmm ouch!! After two pumping sessions that were rather uncomfortable, I thought I should double check with our midwife that everything was as it should be....turns out it wasn't! Word to the wise ladies...Medela pumps all come with the same size pflanges (24 mm) because apparently this is the size that fits MOST ta-tas...if you're like me and not "typical" you may need a smaller or, in my case, a larger size. My advice to anyone planning to "Power Pump"...get fitted properly. After two 15 minute sessions, I was fortunate to have not done significant damage, but I had a couple pretty decent "hicky-esque" war wounds that were a little tender. Once I had the proper fitting (they had to hunt them down for me since they don't stock many 27 mm since EVERYONE (but me apparently) fits a 24 mm), I was back on track.
So on with the story...when C was two days old, I was excited be able to hold him in the morning and by the afternoon, with the help of the nursery nurse, I was able to nurse him. Now I don't know if it was that I was just SOOO excited and relieved to FINALLY be holding him and cuddling him, but I remember thinking as I nursed him for the first time that this was already WAY better than with Miss M. This guy latched right on and seemed to know what he was doing....nothing hurt...it was great!
Fast Forward Two Days...
Boobie Trap #2 = Overfilling Quota (a.k.a. Milk Oversupply!)
That's right...milk...a lot of it....too much of it! Poor little Master C was drowning. The letdown would choke the poor little dude, then he would be full before one side was empty. So, what does this equal? 1 gassy little dude and 1 uncomfortable mama. Not cool...I tried a couple things to calm the supply down which did help a little bit...the most effective was the incredibly attractive "cabbage bra"...Eau de Slaw anyone? Yuck...but it did help.
While he was struggling to keep up with me though, C developed the next issue...
Boobie Trap #3 = Lazy Latch
Because he didn't have to work to get milk (pretty much he just had to open his mouth and swallow), he developed a lazy latch. This coupled with the apparent "high arch" in his mouth led to VERY sore boobs (from the poor latch), a sore jaw (from clenching my teeth), a grumpy baby (from constantly being latched and re-latched trying to correct it + still being drowned) and one VERY grumpy mommy (you don't say!). We saw our midwife and two different lactation consultants trying to get things sorted. Everything we tried would work initially, and then within a day or so regression would occur....stupid "high arch"!! Apparently with a high arch, even when latched on correctly, he could still pull his tongue back (which he did) and snap away...ouchie! There was one saving grace that I discovered that helped more than anything...APNO (All Purpose Nipple Ointment)...Wonderful Stuff! With the help of APNO, I was able to get a couple more weeks in before the next issue...
Boobie Trap #4 = Thrush
Yep! With Miss M it was mastitis and this time around Thrush...are you freaking kidding me?! SOOOOOO not cool....and again, ouchie! C's lips and my ta-tas were a lovely shade of purple for about a week to clear up that. Ugh!
So after 7 weeks (yeah all of this happened in 7 weeks), I made the decision that I couldn't for my sanity carry on as I was. Since I was determined to make sure C got breastmilk exclusively for as long as possible, I got myself a big double electric pump and set to work as a Power Pumper...
Boobie Trap #5 = Milking yourself multiple times a day SUCKS!
I can now officially TOTALLY relate to the cows in the barn. I started out pumping as often as he ate...but since I had a fantastic supply (this cow would NOT have been culled from the herd!) I was able to cut down to 4x/day and still pump well over 40oz a day. That got old quickly as well, so I then cut down to 3x/day....still pumping close to 40 oz. Last week, I cut back to 2x/day and was still able to keep ahead for a few days, but the supply started to slow down...so I had two options...bring it back up, or let it taper off. With a solid freezer stash as a motivating factor, I decided I was DONE. You would think that pumping wouldn't be that bad, and at first it wasn't...it was better than enduring pain all the time! But after two months of literally milking myself several times a day...I was done. I AM done.
I have been dealing with some mommy guilt...I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little sad. Sad that I had another crappy nursing experience. Sad that I felt "done" after only a month and a half of nursing and 2 months of exclusively pumping. I really wanted it to work this time around... I was able to reach my goal of 6 months with M, so I sort of felt like I was letting C down by not making it as long with him. But, on the other hand, I LOVE snuggling with him while I give him his bottle (we are SO much happier than when we were nursing) and I was fortunate enough to be able to freeze so much extra while I was pumping that I am still able to give him some breastmilk everyday for quite awhile, so I am slowly becoming ok with the decision.
So that's the scoop...Do I wish it had turned out differently and that I was still nursing him exclusively? Sure. But it didn't work out for me. So I did what I could (lactation consultants, power pumping, etc) to ensure that C got as much of the good stuff as possible and I am proud of how long I did stick it out. For those who have never pumped exclusively....it's a lot of work....not to mention a constant reminder that you aren't nursing him the way you would like....so I found it to be a little draining, literally and figuratively. Some may say round #2 was an epic fail. I say it was a pass...a solid E for Effort! I am a much happier mama with one very happy and healthy little dude that's growing like a weed.
On a lighter note and on the topic of guilt....one thing I do NOT feel guilty about is bribery...when it comes to potty training that is!! We are currently in the process of potty training Miss M and we reward her with Smarties. Well, for two days now I have been a Smartie Vending Machine!!! Woot!! Go Maddie! With any luck we will soon have only one kid in diapers!
Until next time my lovelies!
breast pump,
mommy guilt,
potty training
Saturday, June 4, 2011
The Modern Country Mama is BACK!!
Why hello everyone!! It has been way, way, WAY too long since my last post...well over a year to be exact! WHOOPS!! My bad!
It has been a VERY busy year, but I think it's time to resurrect the Tales of this Modern Country Mama!....because believe me....I have lots of tales to tell! Especially now that I am a mama of not one, but TWO little hooligans! I told you it was a busy year!
Yes, I am now a mama of two babies...Callum Duncan (we'll call him Master C from now on) arrived scowling at the world on February 22, 2011 at 6:27pm...a mere 3 MINUTES before his threatened c-section would have taken place....talk about going down to the wire boy! Master C showed up 2 weeks early...for those who don't know, Miss M arrived 2 full weeks past her due date...so with a 4 week difference, you can bet we were terribly surprised (not to mention, not quite ready!) when he decided to make his debut so early! Weighing in at 6lbs 5oz, C took almost 48 hours to decide to show his face and thus was born with a fever, so he spent a couple days in the special care nursery for a round of antibiotics just in case. He hasn't missed a beat since and is a pretty happy and easy-going little dude.
Miss M has adjusted just OK to being a big sister. She adores C, but HATES sharing attention, so it has been pretty challenging at times. She is pretty well-behaved until you have to turn your attention to C for a few minutes....and it is AMAZING what she can do in the few minutes it takes to change C's diaper!!! GAH!!
At two years old now, M can be a bit of a handful...sometimes I get pretty discouraged when she is being especially wild and trying...and it doesn't help when people seem to be constantly telling me (usually without directly saying it) that my kid is a little s***. Sure she is busy. Sure she is a little sassy at times and sure she doesn't always listen. But, she is TWO...and according to everything I have read and everyone I talk to...that's pretty typical. She is well-behaved when we're out, she says please and thank you, she doesn't beat on other kids...That doesn't spell hellion to me, so there! I'm not worried about her, so nobody else should be either.
M is also quite the Chatty Cathy! If she is awake, she is yapping and has developed quite the vocabulary. She is also a bit of a parrot at times...even if she's not a part of a conversation...or even in the same room...we often hear an echo...oops! But some of the best things she says she comes up with all on her own...Some of my favourite Maddie-isms are:
..."it's ridiculous outside mommy!" (that's right...my two-year-old says ridiculous! woot!)
...Me: "Ok Maddie, time to get ready to go" Maddie: "Ummmmm...Later please."
...Carm: "Maddie can you help pick up your toys?" Maddie: "Ummmmmmmmm...no, please."
..."I want to go see regular grammie" (as opposed to great-grammie!)
...Me: "Maddie what is that?" (pointing to a hot-air balloon) Maddie: "Balloon! Daddy will get it for Maddie?" Me: "Oh I don't think so...daddy isn't tall enough" Maddie: "No. Daddy will get it."
..."Maddie will wear a boobie diaper?" Me: "Pardon me...what?" Maddie (holding up one of my bras): "Maddie will wear the boobie diaper?"
I died laughing at the last one...seriously? Boobie diaper??? Where she came up with that, I have NO idea! Carm claims he has never said that...
So life is good here in the country. C is an easy-going little snuggler, M is a busy girl, but freaking hilarious and I am loving life as a mommy of two....now we just have to work on being on time for things...being a pack mule for two sure does slow things down...
Since life is super busy with two little ones, I have found that I have to make a point of setting aside some mommy-time so I don't go nutty. SOOOOO...I have signed myself up for a bootcamp to get my butt back in shape...14+ inches lost in just 6 weeks so far! Woot! Obviously it is fitness oriented, but a portion of the program is also focused on nutrition, lifestyle and goal-setting. So I have made a commitment to do a lot more "from-scratch" cooking, I'm trying to watch less than 2 hours of tv per day and I have set a goal to write at least one blog post per week.
Yesterday I made a trip to the farmer's market, did some freezing of veggies and meat, roasted a chicken and made homemade chicken stock before making a homemade potato salad and roasted asparagus to go with our turkey sausages for dinner (great domesticity!)...since I was cooking, there was no time for tv (excellent!)...and I started this post last night...so not a bad first day!
I do have to give a plug for the boot camp....it's called The Buff Mom and it is run by Leslie Gordon-Christie, CTV Southwestern Ontario's Health and Lifestyle guru. It is fantastic and I HIGHLY recommend it! (Shout out to Alicia Horne who introduced me to it!) Email me if you want more information!
And lastly, since I will be doing a lot more actual cooking, I have decided to add a Good Eats page to my blog....that way I can share any of my keepers with all of you!
I think that's a solid enough post for the first one back, so I had better wrap it up and work out or something!
Until next time my lovelies...and I PROMISE to post again before next year!
**The other motivating factor for resurrecting the blog? Blog traffic could potentially increase do to THIS Woohoo! (some of you may remember the original!)**
It has been a VERY busy year, but I think it's time to resurrect the Tales of this Modern Country Mama!....because believe me....I have lots of tales to tell! Especially now that I am a mama of not one, but TWO little hooligans! I told you it was a busy year!
Yes, I am now a mama of two babies...Callum Duncan (we'll call him Master C from now on) arrived scowling at the world on February 22, 2011 at 6:27pm...a mere 3 MINUTES before his threatened c-section would have taken place....talk about going down to the wire boy! Master C showed up 2 weeks early...for those who don't know, Miss M arrived 2 full weeks past her due date...so with a 4 week difference, you can bet we were terribly surprised (not to mention, not quite ready!) when he decided to make his debut so early! Weighing in at 6lbs 5oz, C took almost 48 hours to decide to show his face and thus was born with a fever, so he spent a couple days in the special care nursery for a round of antibiotics just in case. He hasn't missed a beat since and is a pretty happy and easy-going little dude.
Miss M has adjusted just OK to being a big sister. She adores C, but HATES sharing attention, so it has been pretty challenging at times. She is pretty well-behaved until you have to turn your attention to C for a few minutes....and it is AMAZING what she can do in the few minutes it takes to change C's diaper!!! GAH!!
At two years old now, M can be a bit of a handful...sometimes I get pretty discouraged when she is being especially wild and trying...and it doesn't help when people seem to be constantly telling me (usually without directly saying it) that my kid is a little s***. Sure she is busy. Sure she is a little sassy at times and sure she doesn't always listen. But, she is TWO...and according to everything I have read and everyone I talk to...that's pretty typical. She is well-behaved when we're out, she says please and thank you, she doesn't beat on other kids...That doesn't spell hellion to me, so there! I'm not worried about her, so nobody else should be either.
M is also quite the Chatty Cathy! If she is awake, she is yapping and has developed quite the vocabulary. She is also a bit of a parrot at times...even if she's not a part of a conversation...or even in the same room...we often hear an echo...oops! But some of the best things she says she comes up with all on her own...Some of my favourite Maddie-isms are:
..."it's ridiculous outside mommy!" (that's right...my two-year-old says ridiculous! woot!)
...Me: "Ok Maddie, time to get ready to go" Maddie: "Ummmmm...Later please."
...Carm: "Maddie can you help pick up your toys?" Maddie: "Ummmmmmmmm...no, please."
..."I want to go see regular grammie" (as opposed to great-grammie!)
...Me: "Maddie what is that?" (pointing to a hot-air balloon) Maddie: "Balloon! Daddy will get it for Maddie?" Me: "Oh I don't think so...daddy isn't tall enough" Maddie: "No. Daddy will get it."
..."Maddie will wear a boobie diaper?" Me: "Pardon me...what?" Maddie (holding up one of my bras): "Maddie will wear the boobie diaper?"
I died laughing at the last one...seriously? Boobie diaper??? Where she came up with that, I have NO idea! Carm claims he has never said that...
So life is good here in the country. C is an easy-going little snuggler, M is a busy girl, but freaking hilarious and I am loving life as a mommy of two....now we just have to work on being on time for things...being a pack mule for two sure does slow things down...
Since life is super busy with two little ones, I have found that I have to make a point of setting aside some mommy-time so I don't go nutty. SOOOOO...I have signed myself up for a bootcamp to get my butt back in shape...14+ inches lost in just 6 weeks so far! Woot! Obviously it is fitness oriented, but a portion of the program is also focused on nutrition, lifestyle and goal-setting. So I have made a commitment to do a lot more "from-scratch" cooking, I'm trying to watch less than 2 hours of tv per day and I have set a goal to write at least one blog post per week.
Yesterday I made a trip to the farmer's market, did some freezing of veggies and meat, roasted a chicken and made homemade chicken stock before making a homemade potato salad and roasted asparagus to go with our turkey sausages for dinner (great domesticity!)...since I was cooking, there was no time for tv (excellent!)...and I started this post last night...so not a bad first day!
I do have to give a plug for the boot camp....it's called The Buff Mom and it is run by Leslie Gordon-Christie, CTV Southwestern Ontario's Health and Lifestyle guru. It is fantastic and I HIGHLY recommend it! (Shout out to Alicia Horne who introduced me to it!) Email me if you want more information!
And lastly, since I will be doing a lot more actual cooking, I have decided to add a Good Eats page to my blog....that way I can share any of my keepers with all of you!
I think that's a solid enough post for the first one back, so I had better wrap it up and work out or something!
Until next time my lovelies...and I PROMISE to post again before next year!
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Miss M & Master C |
**The other motivating factor for resurrecting the blog? Blog traffic could potentially increase do to THIS Woohoo! (some of you may remember the original!)**
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