Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year = New Adventures...

Happy New Year friends! I know it has been awhile, but as per my usual excuse...we've been busy! I love the holidays, I really do, but when it's all over, I can't help but be relieved to get back to the routine!

I cannot believe that it is 2010. I don't know about you, but there are still so many things I often think back to and remember like they happened yesterday...and then I realize just how long ago they really my exchange to Germany...yeah...I left Canada ten years ago this coming August! CRAZY! I think that means it's about time to head back to my second home for a visit...if only I could convince the "boss"...I'll have to work on that. If anyone happens to run into him, be sure to mention that Germany is a fantastic vacation destination and that he really should take the fam...HA!

So, a lot has happened since my last post before Christmas! Where to start?...

Miss Maddie had her first Christmas!!! It was lots of fun, but I kind of think Carm and I were more excited about it than her! We eagerly tore the paper off her gifts, while she played with the tape and the boxes...she will sit and tear magazines to shreds any other day, but we could NOT get her to tear the wrapping paper...strange child. She got lots of great stuff including (but not limited to) clothes, books, noisy toys, quiet toys, bath toys, sippy cups, Christmas tree ornaments, a new car seat and three new teeth! (She is up to eight teeth now!) She was a very good little girl, got to meet Santa and didn't even try to pull down the tree or the stockings. We're looking forward to next year when she is as excited as we are!

Even more exciting than Christmas...Madelyn is almost walking! I believe the books call it "cruising" when she walks around holding onto things....but whatever it is, it is super cute! She is BUSY though! And into EVERYTHING! I am running out of places to put things up out of her reach! The disadvantage to having a baby that is off the charts for her height! Gah!! Eventhough I can't wait for her to actually take her first steps, I also can't help but feel like time is going far too quickly. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing our brand new baby home from the she is close to walking and almost one year old! Soon she will be heading off to Germany for an exchange...

With a new year, comes not only new adventures for Miss Maddie as she creeps closer and closer to her first birthday...but the adventures of being a WORKING MOMMY are also about to commence. A lot of you reading this are in the loop, but for for those who don't know, I have accepted a new job and am scheduled to start on January 14! I am a little sad to not be heading back to my old job....I loved the job and the people, but I am SOOOO excited about this new opportunity....I get to write....and get paid for it!! (among other new and exciting things!) How great is that?!?!?!?!

So, less than two weeks until the start date! I will be headed back to work about a month earlier than I had originally planned and am beginning to think that something is wrong with me actually...most of the mommies I know are in agony over the thought of going back to work and leaving their babies in the care of someone other than all honesty, I am ready. I think it will be hard to leave Maddie at daycare for the first few times, and I know I am going to miss being at home all day with her, but at the same time, I am looking forward to getting back to work and to the new and exciting challenges of a new job. I am grateful that we live in an era where it is not only acceptable, but also looked upon favourably to be both a mommy and a career woman. I love to take care of and play with my baby, I love to cook our meals, clean our house, do our laundry and groceries...I love being a housewife, but there is also a part of me that loves having a career and prides myself on the work I do and the paycheck I bring home at the end of the day. January 14 will be bittersweet for me I think, but I know that we will be leaving Madelyn with one of the best daycare providers in the area and she will be excited to see me at 5:00 when I pick her up to go home, so that is making it a little easier....

Check in with me in two weeks or so and see if I'm doing as well as I think I will be!

A new year also means that it is time to make new resolutions. Now, there is NO WAY I am going to post my full list of resolutions....I don't generally make a habit of publically sharing my failures!...But, I will share one. And, that is to make time at least once a week to keep you all up to date on the life adventures of this modern (and now working!) mama in the country!

Until next time!

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