...A.K.A. Being a parent during a worldwide infectious disease outbreak.
When I was pregnant, I spent nine months mentally preparing myself for labor and delivery. By the time the day came for Miss Madelyn to arrive, I was anxious about L&D, but that wasn't what scared me the most. I could handle a few hours of pain.....but then I had to take this poor, helpless little baby home with me and take care of her. What if I didn't know what to do, what if I did something wrong, how would I know what she needed/wanted? To be perfectly honest, I wasn't scared, I was absolutely terrified. I would be 100% responsible for Maddie's care.
Much to my relief, a lot of being a mommy in those early days came easily (aside from the whole breastfeeding thing). There were several calls to our midwives/moms/sisters and even one trip to the ER, but for the most part, it wasn't quite as terrifying as I had envisioned.
Enter H1N1.
I know many of you have also struggled with the decisions surrounding the H1N1 vaccination and your kids. In the beginning, we were dead against it. We all have received all of the standard vaccinations throughout our lives, but neither Carm or myself get our flu shots, so when the H1N1 and its vaccine first materialized, we thought nothing of it. It would just blow over. When the hype started up about who would get the vaccine and when and if you should or shouldn't get it/give it to your kids, we still brushed it off.
Then, a perfectly healthy 13-year-old boy got the virus and died two days later. That 13-year-old boy could have very easily been our perfectly healthy 8-month old baby girl.
That was the first time Carman and I had any real solid talks about whether we should or shouldn't have Miss Madelyn vaccinated. We did our reading and talked to a number of people we trust including our doctor to help us weigh the pros and cons. Ironically, two of the people I figured would talk us out of it, had already received the shot for themselves and their kids. Hmmm...
After weighing all the risks and benefits, we decided to have Miss Maddie and myself vaccinated. When it comes down to it, if Madelyn was to get sick, and we could have done something to prevent it and didn't...we don't even want to think about it.
Today, especially in the western hemisphere, we don't have worry about our kids getting awful diseases like diphtheria thanks to successful vaccination programs. Diseases like polio are almost totally eradicated worldwide thanks to successful vaccination programs. Our generation has really been fortunate to benefit from this, so in a situation where "you are damned if you do; you are damned if you don't," we have made the choice to put our trust in modern medicine.
It's a personal choice and perhaps the right choice for our family is different from the right choice for your family, but I do encourage anyone on the fence to do their research. Weigh the pros and cons, and remember to take what you hear and see in the media and on the internet with a grain of salt...especially on the internet (you can't tell me "Mary Toko, Vaccine Researcher and Mother of 5 Very Healthy Unvaccinated Children" is the best source of information). Your family doctor is your best source of information on the vaccine and it is their job to give you all the facts and help you make the right choice for you and your family, so give them a call.
It was decisions like this that had me terrified to bring my baby girl home with me when she was born...I can truly sympathize with everyone who is playing the "do I, don't I" game over the H1N1 vaccine. Good luck to all the moms and dads out there with this decision.
On a lighter note, the barn is almost finished!! The finishing touches are currently being put on the new stabling and it really is like walking into a completely different barn. Last night, Carm caught me off guard when he showed up for supper at 7:30 instead of 8:45 or 9:00! Such an exciting change to have daddy home at a decent hour to eat dinner with us and play with Maddie before she gets tucked in for the night!
It's so nice that the construction is pretty much done...the cows will now have nice big comfy stalls for the winter, but just as importantly....the work is done just in time for our favourite time of the year....The ROYAL!!! Did you know there are actually five seasons? Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall and the Royal! This year is particularly special as it will be Miss Maddie's FIRST Royal! We are planning to be there for one day for sure and possibly two. I can't wait!!
To end off, check out the latest pictures I took of Miss Madelyn. We were out taking advantage of one of the last nice fall days. And, of course, Miss Maddie in her SUPER cute pony Halloween costume! Enjoy!